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hello Picture Page
Partying at the Prom


French Club in...duh! France



Keith Lilly

Mark Hall

Your Webmaster


Email Your Photos!

Pictures Past
Note:  I post whatever non-offensive pictures I'm provided.  If someone sends me one of you and you want it removed, just let me know.  I'm not out to hurt anyone and have extreme empathy for the camera shy.

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Classmates enjoy the prom (while I sat at home...sigh.) 
Can you guess who's who? Click here for the answer.
Brandywine.jpg (17668 bytes) Brandywine performs at the Rowlesburg High prom.  From left:   Chris Renahan, Bruce Mahin, Ben Stout.

Note:   Bruce's jacket recently surfaced on the body of a Fuller Brush man in Des Moines.

A.  Can you tell which one is the teacher?

B.  How many classmates can you recognize?

C.  Can you tell yet, who's being so kind as to supply most of the pictures?

D.  I know most of us remember "Brownie cameras", but did no one have a "Swinger" or some other camera back in '75?   Or are you all just like me and lack a scanner?


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20th Reunion ... See how many names you can put to the faces.
bowers-losh.jpg (147235 bytes)     Chip Starkey.jpg (71573 bytes)     mark-mcintyre.jpg (82206 bytes)KDB3 & Colleen Galagher.jpg (112565 bytes)    Phyl Bowers & Keith Bell.jpg (106327 bytes)


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Pictures Present
lilly.jpg (40646 bytes) Keith Lilly caught playing in the woods by the fine folks at iplayoutside.com at the Sept. 3, 2000 Holly River Revenge mountain bike race.

My question --  How come Keith's legs look better at 43 than mine ever did?  Oh, yea...must be that biking.  Well, back to the sofa...my Ho-Ho's await me.

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Mark Hall...some things never change?

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Webmaster awaits your input to the site.

Note:  Could this explain why I was sitting at home during the prom?...And why Keith's legs still look better than mine?

Prom Answers:

1.  Doug Bowers and Kim Hindman
2.  Scott Frasier

Answers to French Club quiz:

  1. Mme. Hererra.  Did the teachers really look that young?!
  2. Did you find:  Doug Bowers, Kim Hindman, Cathy Waycaster, Richard Winston, Paige Rexroad, Sue Sheppard
  3. Must be that Bowers kid.
  4. It's either that or apathy...

This page was last updated on December 06, 2002.